Bachmann: Obama Most Dangerous President Ever On Foreign Policy

It's Bachmann's week as Islamic fundamentalism is once again a hot-button issue.

WASHINGTON, DC — Michele Bachmann called President Obama "the most dangerous American president we have ever had on foreign policy" Friday, charging the White House has pursued appeasement over strength even in the face of deadly attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East.

Speaking to the Values Voter Summit, an annual gathering of conservative activists in Washington, Bachmann criticized Obama for what she viewed as a weak response to the attacks in Egypt and Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

"At every turn, the president insists on apologizing for who we are as Americans," Bachmann said, who noted she sits on the House Intelligence Committee.

Bachmann said that the president's response "communicated both weakness and a lack of resolve to the world" and that "We are witnessing the direct consequences of this administration's policy of apology and appeasement across the globe."

Bachmann, like Mitt Romney at a fundraiser in New York this morning, said the president should prioritize meeting with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He "needs to cancel his interview with Letterman, cancel his meetings with Beyonce and Jay-Z and agree to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel," Bachmann said, to loud applause from the audience.

She slammed Obama for giving a television interview to Al-Arabiya early in his presidency and for "spurning" Hosni Mubarak, longtime U.S. ally.

Bachmann suggested that Obama's actions aided Islamic fundamentalists, saying that "many prominent Islamic organizations wrote a letter to the White House where they urged our White House to do a complete purge of federal training materials from references to the ideology of Islam" and that thus, there were "enforced Islamic speech codes right here in the United States, all done with the help of our President and Secretary of State."

She said that the U.S. is "losing our ability to identify our radical Islamist enemy" and that we need to "draw an unmistakable red line for our enemies across the world."

During her tenure, Bachmann has turned anti-Islamism stances into a signature. She is one of five members of Congress that called for an investigation into whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the U.S. government, and accused Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin of being a part of the Brotherhood.

Bachmann left without taking questions from reporters.

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