14 Situations That Are Way Too Real When You're A Woman

    Trying to itch your vag in public is never an easy task.

    1. When you're feeling conflicted about removing your body hair.

    2. When there is leakage down there and you have no idea if it's your period or other stuff.

    3. When you're PMSing and your emotions are all over the place.

    4. And when you're on your period and a man is complaining about how tough their life is.

    5. When you've got thrush or just a really itchy lady bush but you're in a public place.

    6. When you've left your dirty underwear somewhere where someone else can see them and desperately try to remember everything you can about them.

    7. When you have to walk past a group of leering men.

    8. Or when you're walking alone at night and have to strategise the best possible way to defend yourself.

    9. When you experience peak mansplaining.

    10. And when you're made to feel invisible at work.

    11. When you're feeling paranoid about your lady bits.

    12. Or when you go to certain lengths to make yourself feel better about the way you look.

    13. When you need an outfit desperately but you're not having much luck.

    14. And finally, when you play with your boobs and end up getting real weird.