16 Pictures That Will Take All Brits Back To Their Birthday Parties

    Bring back party bags.

    1. When a card came with a badge that you would immediately pin on to your top proudly:

    2. But more exciting than that, when a nice ten-pound note was hidden inside:

    3. When you'd eat these constantly throughout the day and be buzzing off the sugar:

    4. But when the adults would start peeling back the cling film off the food and these were the first things you went for:

    5. When these were a staple at the food table, even though everyone was too horrified to try the cheese-pineapple combo:

    6. When you'd run out into the garden at the first sight of this dream:

    7. And when a little piece of you would die when it was all over:

    8. When pass-the-parcel was just a lump of newspaper filled with sweets:

    9. But you dreaded getting a "dare".

    10. When the only acceptable cake was a caterpillar cake:

    11. And when caterpillar cake was good, but jelly and ice cream was better:

    12. When no one could pin the tail on the goddamn donkey and just looked like this:

    13. And everyone insisted on wearing these round their necks:

    14. When the birthday boy or girl threw a massive strop because they weren't winning a game or people weren't paying them enough attention:

    15. When you'd rummage through all of these to ensure you got the best one:

    16. And when your parents would come pick you up early and say these dreaded words: