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26 Hilariously Clever Halloween Costumes

It's the most punderful time of the year.

1. Heisenburger

2. Hawaiian Punch

3. Dumbledora the Explorer

4. This Costume + This Mask = Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

5. Baby North West

6. (Or Her BFF, Baby Blue Ivy)

7. Dunkin' Donuts.

8. French Kiss

9. Freudian Slip

10. Assault and Battery

11. Ceiling Fan

12. Spice Rack

13. Fantasy Football

14. Reigning Cats and Dogs

15. Dust Bunny

16. Spelling Bees

17. Pot Brownie

18. (See also: Pot Head.)

19. Deviled Eggs

20. Party Animal

21. Orange Juice

22. Cereal Killer

23. One-Night Stand

24. M&M/Eminem

25. (Related: Candy Rapper)

26. And the most philosophical Play-Doh of all time.