13 Incredible Things That Could Only Happen In Goa

    Warning: These pictures may make you go, "Ah..." #Sorry

    1. This very, very dangerous combination of goods being peddled together. #YOLO

    2. This confident promise.

    3. Rama's untimely passing and subsequent local fame.

    4. This roadside tribute to the world's most natural combination of role-models.

    5. This extremely casual and informative – and not at all terrifying or over-the-top – signage.

    6. This proof that there are too many wandering tourists who need to just effing learn how to use Google maps.

    7. This very pleasant hotel room surprise.

    And only in Goa do you get complimentary liquor in your room. No fruits or chocolates. Goa #FTW

    8. Bap-Re-Bap, the only tailor in the world who can make old ladies new again.

    Classified ad in a #Goa newspaper: Bap-re-Bap gents tailor can make old ladies new. Or so they claim. #OnlyInGoa


    This happens only in #Goa #RiderMania2013 @harshadsane91 @WildChild_Wolfe @UrvashiPatole @tweetzafar @peaceoutchio

    10. These cows just trying to even out their tan-lines.

    11. This dramatic, musical, Bollywood-style mishap.

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    12. This genuine commitment to good service and hospitality.

    I only went in for a shave. #onlyinGoa.

    13. And, of course, the ability to drink a chilled beer with your toes in the sand and your eyes on the ocean, any time of the day, any day of the year.