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12 Reasons Halloween Is Way Better As An Adult

It's getting spooky in here! Treat yourself to a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup this Halloween and have the time of your life.

1. Now that you're a grown-up, you can totally splurge on the costume of your dreams from your childhood...

"Don't even try to stop me, MOM!"

2. ...and wear punny stuff that other adults will actually get.

3. You can even walk out into the world in spandex with no shame, if that's what you want to do!

4. You get to decorate however you well please...

5. ...even if that means putting up a giant inflatable your front the beginning of September!

6. You can pull out all of the stops when it comes time to carve pumpkins!

7. You finally recognize that your favorite "spooky" movies from when you were little are actually hilarious.

8. And the ones that scared you as a kid are just as scary as you remember.

9. Speaking of, scary things now give you more of an adrenaline rush than nightmares, and that’s kinda fun...


10. ...especially because you know how to use this tool to scare the heck out of other people!


11. Seeing little trick-or-treaters will melt your heart and give you flashbacks to that one Halloween where you scored the most candy on the block.

12. And the best thing of all: You don't have to share your treats and can eat them whenever you want!

Unapologetically treat yourself with Reese's this Halloween!