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10 Awesome Things You Didn't Know You Could Do On The Internet

Or: 10 more reasons to never turn your computer off. How would you like to commandeer a real-life apple launcher with a click of your mouse? Say hello to the REDD'S Apple Ale apple launcher, available exclusively at

1. Play skeeball.

2. Turn yourself into a Star Wars action figure.

3. Turn your browser into a kitty cat bounce castle.

4. Or give it an injection of unadulterated puppy love.

5. Hug an Internet stranger and get hugged by an Internet stranger.

6. Take control of a real-life apple launcher.

7. Star in your own K-pop video.

8. Have your feeble mind blown.

9. Take a trip through the infinite-ness of space.

10. Or see the world without leaving your house.