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The Raunchiest Superbowl Ad That Did Not Air During The Superbowl

Sure, Bud Light had living Pacman. Mercedes puked up the old Tortoise and Hare fable. Victoria's Secret did there thing. So who didn't quite make the cut, but still earns an "E" for EFFORT and a gold star from mom? It wasn't a puppy flying from a window. It was THESE guys:

Randall Scott 9 years ago

Pre-Paid Poo Preparedness Service To Address Post-Earthquake Sanitation

This shit is real, ya'll. Scientists agree that the odds are 1-in-3 that a huge earthquake will hit Northwest in next 50 years. The service we are providing is not insurance – it’s assurance. Reserve a pre-paid poo solution for delivery within 100 hours of any massive earthquakes to our customer base.

Randall Scott 11 years ago