10 Reasons Why Dating A Foodie Is A Very Smart Choice

    It's all gravy.

    1. You'll have a lot to talk about.

    2. Your weekend plans are already guaranteed: EAT A LOT.

    3. It doesn't matter if one of you eats like a bird or if you both eat like horses — it always works out.

    4. It's quite probable that people who love food also know how to cook.

    5. And even if they don't know how to cook, they know all the best restaurants.

    6. You'll try things that you've never eaten before.

    7. You're not going to freak out over having a "perfect" body: you'll love and be loved just the way you are.

    8. You won't suffer as much over jealousy because there will only be room for two things in your partner's head: you and FOOD.

    9. And, even when arguments pop up, you'll kiss and make up by STUFFING YOUR BELLIES.

    10. In conclusion: from now 'til forever you're going to be able to enjoy two kinds of orgasms, the traditional and the CULINARY.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.