8 Tips For Anyone Who Wants To Learn Calligraphy And Hand-Lettering

    If you don't know where to start...start here!

    I took up calligraphy and hand-lettering in the fall of 2015, and it turned out to be a really wonderful hobby.

    So if you've been thinking you'd really like to try hand-lettering and/or calligraphy...but you don't know where to start...start here!

    1. For the beginner who doesn't want to invest a lot in calligraphy until they are sure they are going to like it: The Postman's Knock Learn Calligraphy Worksheets

    2. For anyone who wants to learn the basics of hand-lettering: Hand-Lettering Online Class from Brit.co

    3. For anyone who wants to learn classic calligraphy and has a bit more cash to invest: Laura Hooper Calligraphy Online Video Tutorial

    4. Your handwriting doesn't have to be great to start with.

    5. Take your time.

    6. If you run out of words to write as you're practicing, try writing song lyrics and quotes.

    7. You can find a lot of great information and inspiration on Instagram.

    8. PRACTICE!!!