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19 Practical Ways To Get Through Your Bad Season

The Bad Season is the annual 2-4 month period of the year when you just feel sad, mad, uncomfortable in your own skin, and angry at all of your clothes. Here are some things that might help you cope.

37 dicas para o fim de ano caso você não esteja bem

Não vivemos em um conto de fadas; este é o mundo real, onde existem famílias ruins, rompimentos, divórcios, abortos, mortes, desemprego, depressão, ansiedade, vícios, violência e momentos ruins.

Anna Borges 5 years ago

37 Holiday Self-Care Tips For Anyone Who Is Kind Of Not OK RN

We don’t live in Hallmark movies; we live in the real world, where shitty families, breakups, divorces, miscarriages, death, unemployment, depression, anxiety, addiction, violence, and good ol'-fashioned bad times exist — yes, even at Christmas.

Anna Borges 5 years ago