17 Facts About Octopuses That'll Straight Fuck You Up

    If one of their arms is cut off, the arm will often just continue on as though nothing has happened for several hours.

    Unless otherwise noted, all facts are sourced from The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery (which is a legitimately awesome book and I totally recommend it).

    1. Octopuses have a dominant eye the same way humans have a dominant hand.

    2. They can taste with their skin.

    3. Octopuses can shrink themselves down and get their bodies through truly tiny openings.

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    4. Three-fifths of an octopus's neurons are in its arms, not its brain.

    5. If an octopus's arm is cut off, the arm will often just continue on as though nothing has happened for several hours.

    6. The arms may even have different personalities.

    7. The muscle fibers in octopuses's arms make them functionally more like human tongues than human biceps.

    8. They can operate each sucker individually.

    9. They can open childproof pill bottles.

    10. Octopuses are masters of camouflage — they can change color, pattern, and texture in less than a second.

    11. They can also create moving patterns and light shows on their skin.

    12. Oh, and this doesn't just happen; the octopus chooses the appropriate camouflage and shape for each occasion.

    13. They are also shape shifters.

    14. They like puzzles and toys.

    15. Despite how amazing they are, their life span is only a few years.

    16. This is what a baby octopus looks like:

    17. Yes, it's octopuses, don't @ me.