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25 Creative Hobbies To Try When Everything Is Awful And You're Not Okay

"I have a lot of bad days, but on my good days, I quilt."

We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the creative hobbies that got them through a difficult time. Here are some of the best responses:

1. Making adorable felt animals:

2. Quilting:

3. Woodworking:

4. Making foral crowns.

5. Irish dancing:

6. Doing puzzles:

7. Drawing:

8. Theater:

9. Or improv specifically:

10. Making friendship bracelets:

11. Cosplay:

12. Cross-stitch:

13. Playing music:

14. Nail art:

15. Origami:

16. Learning a new language:

17. Bullet journaling and hand-lettering:

18. Making art from seeds:

19. Or beads:

20. Filming your own makeup videos:

21. Carving bones:

22. Vector art:

23. Baking:

24. Making miniatures:

25. Or just a little bit of everything:

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Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

This week, we're talking about preparing for and surviving the worst things imaginable. See more Disaster Week content here.