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    16 Things For People Who Shed A TON OF HAIR

    I'm *hair* to help!

    1. A handmade silky scrunchie to protect your strands when you want your hair up. No more tugging, pulling, and *shudder* ripping with this slippy, lovely scrunchie on your side.

    2. A combination broom and squeegee that wrangles hair from both carpet and hard surfaces. You know how you've had hair stuck to your feet for six years? Yeah, we're done with that.

    3. A classic Swiffer. Purchasing a Swiffer is the ultimate passing of the torch from your parent to you. They whisked up all your stray hairs for years...it's your turn now.

    4. A bottle of Miss Jessie's Mafura Hair Oil to help encourage maximum hair growth, moisturize, and reduce breakage in natural hair. Stimulating more growth is wonderful, but that along with keeping the beautiful curls you already have healthy and happy? Incredible.

    dropper of the hair oil

    5. A cordless handheld vacuum that sucks up tricky hairs into an inescapable whirling vortex. You thought you'd be safe in the weird crevice between the toilet and the wall, hair? YOU WERE WRONG.

    model cleaning a base board with a handheld vaccuum with a foot-long narrow attachment

    6. A pack of rip-resistant hair ties without the standard metal connector masochistic hair loves to gravitate towards, resulting in a shower of hairs gone too soon.

    reviewer's organized pack of rainbow hair ties

    7. A pack of lint rollers that could have saved my boyfriend from the humiliation of his boss pulling one of my long, then-blonde hairs off of his black coat and saying "you don't happen to have a blonde girlfriend, do you?" Learn from our terrible mistakes.

    8. A detangling brush for pacifying tangles and knots without the usual struggle and fallout.

    9. A bottle of biotin shampoo or conditioner that can slow hair shedding and potentially help restore some hair loss.

    10. An ILIFE V3s robotic vacuum that gathers wayward hairs while you're out of the house so you can return to a sparkling clean palace.

    11. A Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner duo — it contains protein to reduce hair fallout and breakage, leaving your mane shiny and intact. Pinkie Pie approved!

    the shampoo and conditioner bottles

    12. The lauded TubShroom that is treated with reverie by the internet at large. You'll see why when you pull it out of your drain for the first time to snap a satisfying before and after pic of your own!

    13. A satin pillowcase for rescuing your hair from the nightly tearing and matting your current cotton case is inflicting on your dainty head. You haven't heard? Cotton is basically sandpaper.

    reviewer's dark green satin pillowcase

    14. A repairing monoi hair mask by Carol's Daughter that contains conditioning monoi oil, strengthening bamboo water, and hydrolyzed silk to help rebuild damaged strands and dramatically reduce breakage.

    tub of the hair mask

    15. An adorable shower cap for comfortably containing loose strands when it's not a wash day, saving your drain a little extra trouble.

    reviewer wrapped in a towel wearing a patterned shower cap

    16. A pack of laundry-saving wool dryer balls that help corral all the hair mixed into your dirty clothes, sheets, and towels into the lint trap, instead of into weird balls you have the distinct displeasure of removing from your sweaters.

    Your hair all cool, collected, and firmly in your head.

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