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This Is What Life Looks Like When You Owe Your Entire Life In Student Loan Debt

"This is a student loan collection service... YOU OWE US!"

Everybody knows how crappy student loans can be. In this episode of "Broke," the thirst of student loan collection agencies is proven to be SO real.

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BuzzFeed Video / Via youtube.com

The dreaded phone calls that you always screen and try to avoid are so common. But sometimes you happen to pick up the phone and they always seem to start like this:

However, you try to keep your cool and avoid the situation as best and quickly as possible.

But really, all you want to say is...

As a young adult going through student loan debt, you're often caught trying to figure out your life. Adding up all the debt and determining that you are never going to be debt-free is quite depressing.

Somehow, they always seem to call you from multiple numbers which is obviously, THE ABSOLUTE WORST.

And sometimes they even text you...

But the ultimate defeat is when your alma mater has the balls to call you and ask for more coin.

All in all, you try to keep a pretty positive vibe for other young folks that get into college, but damn, it's TOUGH.