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    Between Joe Biden and Harry Reid, Democrats cannot continue to dismiss that they have a racists problem too

    Words can strike like a knife. This is why you should use them carefully.

    I was raised to be mindful of the things that I say. This has been ingrained in me by my mother, teachers, family members, elders, friends, in the workplace as an adult. I had thought this was a universal intelligence -- that words are powerful and can inspire a nation, as well as destroy.

    Apparently, this responsibility has evaded politicians -- especially Democrats. Seems they can say whatever they want, to whomever they want, and not once be held truly accountable. In fact, Democrats have been allowed to be racist, while continuing to be supported by people of color – odd.

    Everyone knows that politics is dirty. Knowing this, I have been contempt with the unequal position and privilege that is handed to some, while others have no choice but to play by the rules. I assert my "lax" position to being a Democrat and the "elitist's" mindset that liberals are much more mindful to the things that they say, unlike counterparts, the Republicans. After all, the political philosophy of liberalism is defined by equality, tolerance, and the value of diversity, at least since the era of President Kennedy.

    Oh how naive I have been.

    Members of the Democratic Party have made illogical and irresponsible remarks since Kennedy. These remarks range from stereotypical to offensive racists' comments that anyone with a brain, had read a history book, or participated in an HR orientation should clearly know not to say. But that hasn't stopped them. Yes, I am talking to you, Vice President Biden, a repeat offender. Biden has the most arsine track record of this century to date -- according to my knowledge that is.

    In 2007, Biden said of then presidential candidate Barack Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he continues with, "I mean, that's a storybook, man." Just before, in Delaware while campaigning for president, Biden foolishly said, "You don't know my state. My state was a slave state … my state is the 8th largest black population in the country." He said this with pride, as video proves. Vice President Biden is also on record saying, "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." I'm not joking people; he really did say this because he quickly apologized once it hit the media and internet circuit.

    But that was 2007, right? Oh please, he wasn't held accountable then so why presume now. This year, at the 40th anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation, while in storytelling mode, the term "shylocks" protruded from his mouth while referring to Jewish people. Shylock is an anti-Semitic word that in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" preludes a Jewish character as a ruthless moneylender. Hate mongering at its best. Yet the Democrats were mostly mum, forgave immediately, or dismissed it altogether. If Biden were Republican, he would of have had hell to pay?

    As if one misspoken comment wasn't enough, Biden continued the day with offending Asians. The "the orient," Biden said, which is short for oriental. Who in this day and age uses such an outdated, indignant terminology in reference to a race, a race that by the way supported the reelection of your party by a 73 percent margin in 2012.

    Sure, Biden has apologized for his "offensive remarks." But the important question targeted to Democrats -- particularly people of color, when is enough going to be enough?

    Let's not forget in 2011, Senator Harry Reid, a liberal, shocked the audience when he spoke of shock to the lack of Negro dialect of President Obama. And this past August, Reid said "I don't think you're smarter than anybody else, but you've convinced a lot of us you are," and, "One problem that I've had today is keeping my Wongs straight," to the audience at a Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce in reference Asians. Basically Reid insulted Asians right to their face. That's ballsey and definitely stupid.

    Democrats, the time has come to hold members like Biden and Reid, and other Democratic politicians responsible for the words that eminence from their mouths. It is absolutely unacceptable to offend the very constituents that fight and support you. It's also hypocritical of liberals to shame Republicans for racist's remarks, while dismissing Democrats when they do the same.

    Understandably, people make mistakes. But ordinary people are also held accountable for their words -- for the good or bad. Coddling mistakes of a "family member" hinders the person. The best thing to do is hold them accountable for bad actions. That being said Democrats, when the time comes again (and you know it will) when a liberal says something racist, they must be called out immediately. Or better yet, let's not re-elect those who continue to be mongrels with their words while expecting to be re-elected by the same people they offend. If not, we have no right to criticize Republicans when they mess up too.