Paid Post

11 People In Your Life Who Would Benefit From A Prevailing Wage Law

Get the facts about what repealing the Prevailing Wage Law would mean for regular Missourians. Because protecting the middle class is everyone's job, and voting for fair pay is everyone's business.

1. Our Veterans

2. Public School Teachers

3. Our Students

4. Recent Graduates

5. Medical Professionals

6. Full Time Moms

7. Union Construction Workers

8. Small-Business Owners

9. Salespeople

10. Local Mayors

11. Danny

Courtesy of ProtectMoFamilies

Finally, meet Danny Burlison. Danny represents several of the types of Missourians affected by Prevailing Wage. He is a veteran, a skilled carpenter, a husband, and a father of three. Ask yourself if you know someone like Danny, a regular Missourian, who counts on receiving fair pay for hard work done right.

To find more information on the benefits of Prevailing Wage laws and the negative impact that repeal would have on the lives of average Missourians, visit

Paid for by the Committee To Protect MO Families, Martin Walter, Treasurer.