19 Things Only Mutants Will Understand

    You gotta make way for the homo superior.

    1. You can't go more than a month without being attacked by Sentinels in a mall.

    2. The minute people find out you're a mutant, they always ask if you attended the Xavier School.

    3. Then they ask if you if you've met the X-Men.

    4. But even if you've never met him, you still kinda want to punch that Cyclops guy.

    5. People are always trying to touch your fur.

    6. Your friends keep asking you to open boxes and bags for them just because you have claws.

    7. And if you can teleport, everyone is constantly asking you to take them places, or help them run errands.

    8. If you control the weather....well, the requests never stop coming in.

    9. You always know one guy who's constantly abusing his telepathic powers.

    10. People always think you're reading their thoughts. For the record, I'm not.

    11. Except for that thought, you weirdo.

    12. If you say anything remotely threatening, people jump to the conclusion that you're an evil mutant.

    13. Humans never get your colorful sense of style.

    14. And no one ever understands why you need so many pouches.

    15. Everybody just assumes you've visited a dystopian future.

    16. You can't help but get pissed off when you use your mutant powers for good, and people won't give you any credit for it.

    17. You have to get used to answering reallllllly dumb questions.

    18. But at the end of the day, you know your mutant gifts make all the hassles of being a mutant worthwhile.

    19. And you've got nothing at all to be ashamed of.