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10 Things You Should Know About Fireworks Before July 4th

And if you don't learn anything, at least the post is pretty. If you're looking for more fireworks on the 4th of July, nothing beats the explosive taste of Wild Cherry Pepsi!

1. Over 90% of the world's fireworks are manufactured in China.

2. Fireworks were rumored to scare away bad spirits.

3. The colors that you see are made by burning metal salts.

4. The easiest color to manufacture is orange.

5. The hardest colors to manufacture are blue and purple.

6. Some fireworks are made with air compression instead of gunpowder because it's safer and more precise.

7. Sparklers are great for taking long exposure pictures.

8. The firework patterns were first used in the 1990s to welcome the Desert Storm troops back.

9. Static electricity trapped in your clothes could actually set off the fireworks.

10. A firework show in your dreams is said to be an indicator of increased creativity.