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16 Tips From The Depression Era That Are Actually Life Hacks

Because wasting your hard-earned gravy is bonkers.

1. When making a meal with ground beef, replace some of the beef with lentils.

2. Oatmeal also makes a great meat extender.

3. Make your own toothpaste.

4. Save strawberry pint containers for storage.

5. Reuse your clementine boxes.

6. Grow your own herbs and vegetables.

7. Mash potatoes with the skin on.

8. Keep a soup stock bag in the freezer.

9. Start hoarding sugar packets.

10. Reuse every single container that comes into your home.

11. Put whiskey in your soda.

12. Make apple pie with Ritz crackers.

13. Shave with a straight razor.

14. Make a "wacky" depression cake that is accidentally vegan.

15. Before brewing, throw a pinch of salt into your coffee.

16. Save everything, and never replace an item you can fix yourself.

Check out this post for 46 more penny-pinching tips.