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26 Kinds Of Instagram Photos The World Can Live Without

If Instagram is a reflection of life, then life is meaningless. Here is a list of all the mundane things that people feel the need to take a hazy photo of and transmit out into the world.

1. Your Feet

2. Your Baby's Feet

3. Some Snacks You Ate Once When You Were Hungry

4. Tilted View Of The Park

5. An Empty Plate

6. A Headless Torso

7. The Sky

8. A Quote Devoid Of Any Real Significance

9. An Ugly Hamburger

10. Carefree Jumping

11. A Blurry Photo Of Your Braid

12. Sushi

13. The Beach

14. Cupcakes

15. Sunglasses As Art Subject

16. Concert Pic From The Nosebleed Section

17. Your Dreamcatcher Tattoo

18. Yesterday's Leftovers

19. This Kind Of Face

20. Your Latte

21. Your Boring Shoes

22. Smiling At An iPhone

23. A Frappuccino

24. That Crazy Seashell You Found Once

25. Your Chapstick Collection

26. An Aerial View Of Your Face

And Then There Are Legitimate Reasons To Use Instagram...