9 Boner Hacks You Never Knew You Needed

    You'll never be erect-SHUN-ed again with this handy guide!

    1. The classic upward belt tuck:

    Level of difficulty: 1 pitched tent (out of 5)

    2. The ol’ pocket side-grab:

    Level of difficulty: 1 pitched tent (out of 5)

    3. The "I’m just casually going to keep my textbook here”:

    Level of difficulty: 1 pitched tent (out of 5)

    4. The "move so erratically that it’s hard to tell what’s going on in your pants" play:

    Level of difficulty: 5 pitched tents (out of 5)

    5. The “Hey, look over there!” diversion:

    Level of difficulty: 2 pitched tents (out of 5)

    6. The "fake-a-stomach-ache-crouch-walk":

    Level of difficulty: 3 pitched tents (out of 5)

    7. The "think about grandma gambit":

    Level of difficulty: 2 pitched tents (out of 5)

    8. The "Oops, no, that's just my phone!":

    Level of difficulty: 3 pitched tents (out of 5)

    9. The moonwalk:

    Level of difficulty: 2 pitched tents (out of 5)