It’s Time To Talk About How Awful Ketchup Is

    Tell your tastebuds to catch up.

    OK, so ketchup is hands down the shittiest condiment ever. This thick, red, vinegary, sludge has plagued some of our favorite meals.

    Sometimes it finds its way into meals that don’t even require it.

    Our snacks aren't safe.

    Who in their right mind would do THIS to some perfectly innocent peas?!

    Food criminals, that's who.

    Their tongues and our eyes are the victims.

    Imagine making a meal for your significant other. You go out to buy all the ingredients, you get the seasoning juuust right and you see they did THIS to the plate you made for them.

    It's downright disrespectful y'all.

    Horrendous is what it is!


    Why even eat the food if you're going to drown it in ketchup? Get rid of the middleman and have a bowl of ketchup.

    You are absolutely banned from giving compliments to the chef if you do this to a meal that has been prepared for you.

    Pikachu doesn't know what love is if ketchup holds a place in his heart.

    The name alone doesn't sound appetizing whatsoever.

    So, If you see someone pouring ketchup all over their food like a maniac... them. Let's end this madness.