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11 Reasons Black Friday Is An Actual Workout

Burn those Thanksgiving calories off with a Black Friday workout. Stay hydrated all day with Pedialyte.

1. "Wake Up at 3 A.M. and Get out of Bed" Sit-ups

Rise 'n' shine! Work those abs to get out of bed quickly. Every second saved gets you closer to the front of that Black Friday line.

2. "Waiting in Line" Crouching Squats

Waiting in lines is inevitable. Take a load off and crouch down into your squatting position. You may be here for a little while.

3. "Are They Open Yet?" Neck Stretches

Patience is a virtue, but doesn't mean you're not curious. Stretch out those neck muscles and look to see if the doors are open.

4. Doorbuster Sprint

And they're off! Break a sweat and harness all the muscles in your body to sprint to all the Black Friday deals and savings.

5. "Limited Quantity" Arm Extensions

A limited supply of advertised discounts. Hundreds of people. Do the math. Use that upper body to reach for that must-have item everyone else is vying to get.

6. "Top Shelf" Calf Raises

Don't these store designers know the height of an average human being is well under seven feet tall?! This Black Friday, you'll be sure to be on your tiptoes working those calves as you look at the top shelves or examine those clothes that require assistance to get down.

7. Multi-floor Stair Climbs

The savings aren't just on one floor. No need to wait for the elevator or escalator — challenge your legs and climb the stairs from floor to floor.

8. "Messy Aisle" Step-overs

Bring those knees up! Navigate through the aisle aftermath. There's more savings on the other side!

9. Shopping Bag Shoulder Shrugs

As you move from store to store, your shopping bags will certainly grow in number. Be sure to stretch those arms and shoulders to avoid cramping while you're shrugging toward shopping bliss

10. "Post-purchase" Box Lifts

Carts? Where we're going, we don't need carts. Use that upper body to grab hold of those marked-down boxes. Show off your strength and your purchase as you bring it back to your car.

11. "Where Do I Put This?" Full-body Workout

It looked a lot easier when they loaded it into the car, huh? Finish out your Black Friday workout with a complete body session when you unload your vehicle of all your discounted purchases.

*Remember to lift with the knees. Not just the back!

Whether you had a couple of drinks to celebrate Thanksgiving or your Black Friday workout left you feeling a little dehydrated, be sure to rehydrate with Pedialyte.