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13 Things People Who Have Lived Abroad Know To Be True

There are some things you can't learn in school. So join the Peace Corps, and see where life takes you!

1. You can navigate public transportation in any language.

2. You're open to whatever new activities may present themselves.

3. You're great at explaining where you come from to the people you meet.

4. And you people-watch like a pro.

5. You constantly challenge your understanding of "normal..."

6. ...and of what you consider beautiful.

You could turn a corner and suddenly be completely humbled.

7. You enjoy your own company.

8. You see food as an opportunity to be adventurous.

9. Being able to laugh at yourself is key.

10. You celebrate people's differences and simultaneously realize just how much everyone has in common.

11. You can miss home and love where you are simultaneously.

12. You know how to change up a comfortable routine.

13. And above all, you know there's nothing like immersing yourself in a culture entirely different than your own.

There's nothing quite like it! Join the Peace Corps today, and start your journey.

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