17 Earth-Shattering Summer Problems Only British People Will Understand

    It's been a great summer so far. But we can't wait for it to end.

    1. When everyone's trying to have barbeques at the same time and inevitably getting them horribly wrong.

    2. Like when these guys dropped their meat.

    3. And these people ran out of Pimm's.

    4. When buses inexplicably turn their heating on at exactly the hottest part of the year.

    5. When people insist on playing infuriating bongos in the park.

    6. And our largest nation's football team's most memorable contribution to a World Cup is when their physio gets injured celebrating a goal.

    Now it's all over let's remember England's most memorable moment #WC2014Brasil #england

    7. Even at the height of the hottest summer in years, going to festivals involves a lot of mud.

    Weather warning issued for Glastonbury-goers as the mud bath worsens http://t.co/4bBqAMMn2f

    8. Because in the UK, there's always plenty of room for storms and showers.


    9. Even Google can't resist being sarcastic about the British weather.

    10. Because when it rains in the summertime, it rains.

    This is a Saturday afternoon, in the middle of July, in England. #BritishSummer

    11. Storms caused flash-flooding this year and submerged a tube station.

    Ruislip bears the brunt of torrential rain in London http://t.co/CYfjW9lUuy

    12. But at least a new sport, backyard swimming, was invented.


    13. As everyone knows, when it gets hot in Britain, it gets unbearably hot. And everyone complains.


    As a country we don't do air conditioning, except in supermarkets.

    14. So being at work is great fun.

    15. No one knows what to do with butter.

    16. And hay fever is LITERALLY the worst thing that had ever happened.

    17. Worst of all, people can't enjoy themselves because they're too busy worrying about when to call it and say summer is over.