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Party Down

Party Down

Party Down Day Roundup

Party Down Day may now be over but here's a quick recap of the best things that happened. Also I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who celebrated this historic day with us, you are all the best.

How To Fake Like You've Watched Party Down

For all you Party Down virgins, here's a spoiler heavy list that will help you hold your own with even the most hardcore Party Down fans. Ideally, you won't read this and actually spend the time to watch the entire series, but I understand you're busy and want to feel "in the know" so here is my gift to you cheaters out there.

BuzzFeed's Petition To Get The Party Down Movie Green-lighted

Rob Thomas recently made us very excited when he announced that a Party Down movie might actually happen in the near future. But he has said things like this in the past to no fruition and after the whole "will they/won't they" debacle with the Arrested Development movie we figured it was time to take things into our own hands. Sign our petition and help us make this happen.

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