Expectations Vs. Reality: New Year's Eve

    Happy New Hangover!

    1. How you think you'll be partying:

    Vs. how you'll actually be partying:

    2. How you think you'll be drinking:

    3. Vs. what you'll actually be drinking:

    4. How you think your New Year's Eve outfit will look:

    Vs. how it'll actually look:

    5. How you think your midnight kiss will go:

    Vs. how it'll actually go:

    6. How you think your fireworks photos will look:

    Vs. how they'll actually look:

    7. How you think your checking account balance will look after you say you'll just "take it easy tonight":

    Vs. how it'll actually look after you definitely don't:

    8. How you think your energy levels will be by midnight:

    Vs. how they'll actually be:

    9. How epic you think the countdown will go:

    Vs. how it'll actually go:

    10. And finally how you think you'll wake up on January 1st:

    Vs. how you'll actually wake up: