11 Charts That Every Mexican Will Completely Understand

    "Deje ese Nintendo."

    1. When you were called everything but your birth name.

    2. When your tías got together and spent the majority of the time chismiando about other family members.

    3. When you preferred to face el cucuy than meet one-on-one with la chancla.

    4. When you were sure that roasting chiles in the house would lead to your untimely death.

    5. When heaven actually consisted of conchas and chocolate goodness.

    6. When people avoided any mass like the plague.

    7. When menudo was the only way out of an unfortunate hangover.

    8. When "deje ese Nintendo" became a daily ritual.

    9. When you renewed your faith in God every time your parents actually agreed to eat out.

    10. When you made the mistake of saying you were bored.

    11. And finally, when you bugged your parents relentlessly.