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25 Signs You're Obsessed With "Law And Order: SVU"

Olivia + Elliot 4eva.

1. You have your own little dance you do when the music in the intro comes on.

2. You considered boycotting the show when you found out that Christopher Meloni left because you were so upset and thought things could never be the same.

3. You've charted the changes in Olivia's hairstyles over the years.

4. Some people debate politics or religion. You debate which of these two was the better ADA.

5. You think you know a fair amount of legal jargon because you've watched so much SVU.

6. That period when there were "temporary ADAs" was really difficult for you because they all sucked.

7. Sometimes you wonder about Detective Jeffries.

8. You don't understand people who say they "just don't like SVU."

9. You get super emotional when watching the episode where Liv went undercover at Sealview Correctional Facility.

10. You know that anyone who's anyone has at some point appeared on SVU.

11. You can recite the intro...IN YOUR SLEEP.

12. You invented your own SVU drinking game.

13. You know that even though people say SVU is "too violent," there are some comedic moments.

14. You know the names of Elliot's kids.

15. You went through the five stages of grief when Alex Cabot had to go into Witness Protection.

16. You get super pissed when USA shows yet another NCIS marathon on the weekend instead of an SVU one.

17. You know that Dr. Melinda Warner is such a badass.

18. You know that when you sit down to watch an episode and a marathon is on, you're in for the long haul.

19. You go back and forth on whether Benson and Stabler hooking up would have ruined everything.

20. The relationship between Fin and Munch brings joy to your heart.

21. You love Captain Cragen's words of wisdom.

22. You can recite the Miranda rights on cue.

23. Your knowledge of psychopathologies and mental illnesses comes from the one and only Dr. George Huang

24. You freaked the fuck out when Season 14 ended LIKE THIS:

25. And you're counting down the days until Wednesday September 25 because NBC is teasing you with terrifying images LIKE THIS: