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11 Things Inhabitants Of The Most Dangerous Town On The Internet Have Done

Shady as hack. Norton set out to find "The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet" — they succeeded.

This is Râmnicu Vâlcea, the capital city of Vâlcea County, Romania.

Many people have dubbed it "Hackerville."

This stems from a culmination of factors including the lasting impacts of Communism and having the fastest fiber optic internet speeds in the world.

It is "The Most Dangerous Town on the Internet." Here are some of the things its inhabitants have done to earn it that prestigious distinction:

1. Scammed large sums of money from people through online auctions.

2. Conducted scams from internet cafés.

3. (Obviously, they don't think too highly of us.)

4. This hacker, "Guccifer," even hacked America's rich and the powerful:

5. To do this they guess passwords, answers to security questions, or use worms.

6. This hacker, "Iceman," caused $500,000 in damages through hacking:

7. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. An estimated 1 billion dollars in damages has been attributed to Romanian hackers.

8. They've even hacked governments for Anonymous. Which governments?

9. This former most-wanted hacker, "Tinkode," describes what he's hacked into:

10. There are even Romanian undercover cybercrime agents solely dedicated to catching these hackers.

11. And, like every dangerous town, Râmnicu Vâlcea has rap songs dedicated to it.

For more on Râmnicu Vâlcea and its inhabitants, check out Norton's documentary In Search of the Most Dangerous Town on the Internet here!

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All images and data courtesy of Norton.