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13 Risky Things We Do Online That We’d Never Do IRL

Can you make it through this post without getting a virus? The answer is yes, because Norton is actively protecting you 24/7.

1. Share stolen goods with millions of your friends.

2. Protect all of your things with the same lock.

3. Show sides of yourself you would otherwise never reveal in public.

4. Share all of your darkest secrets.

5. Get into pointless fights constantly. Like pretty much everywhere you go it happens.

6. You end up becoming so preoccupied with pushing people's buttons for a laugh, you don't even realize what you've become.

7. Doing exactly what a stranger tells you.

8. Or worse, entrusting your "life" to them.

9. Accept and sign things without reading any of it.

10. Buy clothes without trying them on.

11. Stalk everyone you know.

12. Fall in love with someone you've never actually met in person.

13. Give out your address, credit card information, and name of your childhood pet to pretty much anyone who asks.

Your online world is as risky as the real one — so if you’re going to walk in the face of digital danger, you need to actively protect your digital life with Norton Security.