These Pussy Pipes Are Beautiful And Political

    Caitlin Rose Sweet talks about the urgency of queer, body-positive art.

    This is artist Caitlin Rose Sweet.

    Sweet has a background in making ceramics and textiles, which she's featured in gallery installations throughout her career.

    But she also uses that ceramics expertise to craft beautiful functional objects, including vulva-inspired pipes. Or, as she likes to call them, pussy pipes.

    Sweet said she started making pussy pipes and other usable objects because she "wanted [her] work to be accessible and live with people, to be touched, to be an extension of [herself] out in the world creating kinship."

    "My art is about creating space for queerness to exist unapologetically in the world," Sweet told BuzzFeed.

    And why pipes specifically?

    Sweet feels her work is especially important now, given the current political climate.

    "Six months ago, if you asked me whether making pussy pipes was a revolutionary act, I would have said no," Sweet told BuzzFeed. "But now I'm really committed to making them."