17 Partially Dyed Hairstyles For When You Can't Make Up Your Mind

    I want pink! No, blue. Or...maybe green?

    1. This fly-as-fuck 'fro.

    2. This purple perfection.

    3. These bluesy roots.

    4. And these waves of white.

    5. Plus this fire-engine red that frames the face flawlessly.

    6. This tiny tease of turquoise.

    7. This lovely lavender.

    8. And this blunt-cut beauty.

    9. The low-keyest of purples.

    10. And these gracefully gray twists.

    11. This proof that pink and red are a perfect pair.

    12. These bright bangs.

    13. And this ridiculously hot pink.

    14. These sapphire streaks.

    15. These lit-up locs.

    16. These seaworthy strands.

    17. And this freaking fabulous fuchsia.

    Why choose one color when you could have them all?