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10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Underestimate Your Dad's Strength

Dad strength is real. In case you need any more evidence, check out all the insane trick shots Nissan and the Dude Perfect guys made #withdad.

1. Dads just know how to use their strength better.

2. They've spent years building super speed from constantly being late for work.

3. These kids with their new-fangled video games are only strong enough to win a thumb war!

4. All dads understand that rest is the key to muscle recovery.

5. Dads are more motivated than you. They want to set the bar high so you can succeed.

6. The dad body doesn't need to focus on growing larger; it just focuses on getting stronger.

7. Dads are strong enough to pick up your whole body, so how could you possibly be stronger than them?

8. Dads have built great reflexes so they can handle everything their kids throw at them.

9. Older generations were always more physically active.

10. Besides... you kids these days just sit around and BookFace on the internet all day. Well, did you know that your dad built the internet? He made it from scratch with raw strength, hard work, and patriotism.

Still don't believe dads are superior? Watch all the insane trick shots the Dude Perfect guys and Nissan made #withdad.

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