Tyra Banks' Honest AF Career Advice Will Make You Love Her Even More

    She taught us how to be on top.

    They say you should never meet your idol. But Jazzmyne said, "F that" and jumped at the opportunity to interview Tyra freakin' Banks!

    She had this advice to give about figuring out your dreams:

    And told us sometimes it's ok to let certain dreams go:

    She also had this to say about personal branding:

    And dealing with negative criticism:

    She talked about how part of the reason she wrote her book, Perfect Is Boring, with her mom was so moms and daughters could have candid conversations about important topics:

    Tyra also revealed that in the early days of American's Next Top Model, she would personally comfort eliminated contestants:

    But her team put a stop to it because the next day she'd be exhausted and makin' faces like this:

    If you want tons more advice from Tyra, watch the full interview!

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