Stow Cash And Cards In Your Bra With This Easy Pocket DIY

    Who needs a purse?

    Don't wanna carry around a bag all night? Ladylike shows us how to turn a regular ol' bra into a perfect hiding spot for cash, cards, and lip gloss.

    Facebook: buzzfeednifty




    Item you’d like to store in your pocket for reference



    A few pins





    1. Flip underwear inside out. Use the finished top edge as the edge of your pocket. If you use the back of the underwear, cut the tag off.

    2. Trace item (phone, card, etc.) onto underwear. Draw an outline ½” beyond the tracing for a seam allowance. Cut out.

    3. Flip seam allowance in and pin pocket into bra. Slip stitch around edge of pocket (in and out of the folded edge).

    4. For areas without a double layer of fabric, use a prick stitch (take a very small stitch into the single layer fabric so you don’t see much on the fashion side of the garment).

    5. Knot off thread inside the pocket fold at top edge. Enjoy your finished pocket!

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