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25 Reasons Why No One Should Ever Have A Border Collie As A Pet

Smug. As. Hell.

1. They think they're so cute, but in reality they're everything but.

2. They're not humble at all. OMG we get it! You won an award!

3. They just stare at you as you eat!

4. If they had Instagram they would totally be the annoying "look what we're doing today!" kind of people.

5. They block the stairs...

6. And they take your spot on the couch!

7. They have the worst fashion sense.

8. ~Sweet fedora, bro!~

9. And they're always posing for photos. So vain!

10. There are even ginger ones. Urgh gingers!

11. OMG why are you being carried?! You're big enough to walk yourself!

12. Urgh! Crybaby.

13. They think the whole world revolves around them.

14. This one thinks it's a horse. You're a dog, you dummy!

15. So stupid! How did you even do that?!


17. Who doesn't love the smell of wet dog?!

18. They always look guilty, because they're always doing something wrong.

19. And when you accuse them of something they pull that annoying puppy-dog stare to get out of it!

20. They're cliquey AF.

21. They love to gossip.

22. Show-off much?

23. They're so lazy! All they do is sleep!

24. And they are smug as hell!

25. Who would want a border collie?!

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