22 Women In Art History Who Gave Absolutely Zero F**ks

    They're so over it.

    1. This woman searching for possible fucks to give.

    2. This woman pretending to laugh at someone's joke.

    3. And this woman pretending to enjoy a stupid ass love letter someone is making her read.

    4. Semiramis can't hear anything that dude is saying over the sound of war blaring in the distance.

    5. Cleopatra just got to the party and is ready to leave because it's so lame.

    6. And this woman is bored to death because there's no alcohol.

    7. The Virgin Mary can't take anymore bullshit from the people of Earth.

    8. Athena about to smack a bitch for being too damn clingy and not following her strict "no touching" policy.

    9. And Susanna about to shut these assholes down because she refuses to be blackmailed.

    10. Helen of Troy already done with the bullshit surrounding the whole Trojan War debacle.

    11. This woman basically channeling her inner sassy emoji as she proceeds to give no fucks.

    12. This woman trying her hardest not to kick baby Cupid in the face.

    13. This woman practicing in front of the mirror to become America's Next Top Model.

    14. This woman riding a mystical sea creature off into the sunset.

    15. This woman not enjoying that dude's company because she only showed up for the free drinks.

    16. Cybele getting real tired of listening to Neptune talk.

    17. This woman is so over it after finding out her parents invited people over for dinner without her permission.

    18. This girl, who's already allergic to her friend's bullshit.

    19. These women expertly modeling the #FreeTheNipple campaign.

    20. Salome taking her dinner parties to a whole new level.

    21. Saint Catherine of Alexandria wondering why the hell this Starbucks barista is taking so long to finish making her caramel macchiato.

    22. And this woman laughing at all the haters.