16 Of The Best Superhero Butts In The History Of The Universe

    Saving the world, one butt at a time.

    Sure, superheroes have risked their lives to rescue us from inevitable doom time and time again... but no one has ever stopped to talk about their behinds.

    Without further ado, here are some of the juiciest superhero butts that have saved us all from despair.

    16. The Hulk

    The Hulk is kind enough to bless us with two kinds of lovely butts. Though his human behind isn't as magnificent as his monster counterpart, it still gives us something nice to look at. You never know what to expect, it all depends on his mood. The angrier he gets, the bigger his booty grows.

    15. Iron Man

    Just like Bruce Banner, Iron Man also offers two delicate butt options. You can choose between his multi-billionaire derriere OR settle for literal buns of steel.

    14. The Flash

    The Flash's butt is probably so nice because he uses his superhuman reflexes solely for the purpose of doing millions of squats per second. You go, Barry!

    13. The Green Arrow

    Just want to point out that Oliver Queen AKA The Green Arrow didn't have as nice of a butt five years ago when he disappeared after a shipwreck. Something's telling me Slade Wilson taught him much more than basic combat...

    12. Wonder Woman

    Unknown to most people, Wonder Woman loves to partake in yoga classes and hits up the gym bi-weekly when she's pretending to be Diana Prince. Balancing two identities is tough, no wonder she has indestructible buns.

    11. Superman

    Be sure to watch the skies for Superman's butt, some would say it's as big as a plane. No wonder he can deflect bullets with such ease.

    10. Black Widow

    Black Widow is notorious for her countless interrogation techniques but she's most feared for that deadly Russian behind.

    9. Thor

    Great Odin's Raven! Thor has certainly been blessed by the Norse Gods with one of the finest butts in the universe. It all makes sense now how no one else can pick up his hammer, the entire power of Asgard is located in his butt cheeks.

    8. Batman

    Batman certainly has the butt that Gotham deserves, just ask Commissioner Gordon. The biggest thing that Bruce Wayne's parents passed down to him wasn't Wayne Enterprises but the genetics for that breathtaking booty.

    7. Wolverine

    If Wolverine's butt looks this perfect, then who knows what kind of backsides the other mutants are hiding. Wolverine's butt is virtually unbreakable and can sustain no physical injuries... in case anyone wanted to know.

    6. Hawkeye

    Hawkeye may have won the title of World's Greatest Marksman but he also has one of the World's Finest Butts. Duh, he can shoot an arrow or two but that's often overlooked because everyone is distracted by those tight leather pants he always wears.

    5. The Green Lantern

    We all know the Green Lantern can create anything using the power of his ring... so who's to say he didn't just use it to create one of the best butts of all time and to make us all jealous? There's no other ring in history that can accomplish such a feat. Well done!

    4. Captain America

    The secret weapon used to fight against Hitler in WWII was actually Captain America's butt cheeks of freedom. Thankfully he was frozen long enough for us to enjoy that sculpted American booty today.

    3. Nightwing

    Dick Grayson is known to be gifted in acrobatics and was taken in by Bruce Wayne as his prodigal son. Who knew that Dick would grow up to have one of the biggest and baddest butts in town? Bruce Wayne would be proud.

    2. Doctor Manhattan

    At this point Doctor Manhattan is just showing off. He knows his booty is so fine that he doesn't wear any pants on purpose. In the end his nuclear accident actually turned into one big gift for us all.

    1. Spider-Man

    With great power, comes one damn fine booty. Someone should tell Peter Parker to get more butt shots of Spider-Man the next time he's out on an assignment.

    It's no surprise these superheroes were able to ward off the worst villains... the supreme evil just couldn't handle the power of the sacred booty.