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10 Things That Would Be Normal If Britain Had Won The Revolutionary War

What if the Brits had never left? Celebrate Independence Eve this year with a Newcastle Brown Ale.

1. Our countryside would have a whole lot less of this...

...and a whole lot more of this:

2. Our swear words would be way more dignified, too.

3. Our breakfasts would lose all that bull ****...

...and we'd be left with only half a muffin.

4. And there'd be a lot more pie. With meat in it.

5. Our tourist attractions would look a bit more like this...

...instead of this:

6. Our cats...

See? Big difference.

7. Our pints would be imperial.

8. Unfortunately, our ships would still be powered by steam...

...instead of freedom.

9. Our cops would drive totally cute cars...

10. ...not to mention our cabbies.

Imagine how great America could’ve been, and how much beer Newcastle could’ve sold, if Britain won the Revolutionary War at

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