Martha Stewart Feeling The Need To Clarify How Many Peacocks She Owns Has Brought Me An Odd Sense Of Joy Today

    That's 21 peacocks to you, sir.

    Martha Stewart sure wants you to know how many peacocks she has.

    If you're like, "huh?" then look no further: In short, a New York Post article yesterday described Martha as a "famous peacock owner" and listed her as having 16 peacocks.

    Now, that's already quite a lot of 'cocks! However, Martha was quick to clarify that this was "fake news."

    "I actually have 21 of these glorious birds whose house is impeccable," Martha wrote on Twitter. "They do not smell. They are so clean! Their voices are loud but such fun to hear. They are so friendly."

    The nypost again “fake news”. They have a story on peacocks today and say I have sixteen on my farm I actually have 21 of these glorious birds whose house is impeccable. They do not smell. They are so clean! Their voices are loud but such fun to hear. They are so friendly

    Twitter: @MarthaStewart

    This is probably a reference to the "shrieking cry" peacocks apparently make during mating season.

    It is likely that the New York Post got the 16 number from Martha's 2020 blog post, where she wrote, "I have 16 living in a coop surrounded by a large, fully-enclosed yard located just outside my stable and near my Linden Allee. I visit these beautiful birds every day. I love calling out to them and waiting for their energetic responses. My peacocks are doing exceptionally well and remain active, curious, and very, very vocal."

    Martha loves peacocks so much, she even has a section of her blog dedicated to them:

    The category 'peafowl' is circled on her blog

    In fact, if you're looking for the perfect intersection of "Martha Stewart" and "Birds" content then, my golly, are you in the right place:

    Hope Martha and her TWENTY-ONE peacocks have a nice day.

    The New York Post has now issued a correction.