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18 Vagina Jokes That Will Make You Laugh, Even If You Don't Have One

"Am I wet? Am I on my period? Did I pee my pants? – Next on WTF is going on down there."

1. This rebellious behaviour:

2. These excellent puns:

3. This risk-taker:

4. This important lesson:

5. This somewhat awkward situation:

6. This experience that is very well-known to everyone who has a vagina:

7. This second episode of "WTF Is Going on Down There":

8. This very accurate representation:

9. This pretty good name, tbh:

10. This badass fact:

11. This fair point:

12. This thing, which is probably holding the human race back:

13. This very good description of a monthly event:

14. This C-section privilege:

15. This marketing plan:

16. This terms and conditions manual:

17. This interesting thing to think about:

18. This logic, or lack thereof: