21 Things You'll Understand If You're Slightly Annoying

    You're pretty good at taking criticism by now.

    1. For a large portion of your life you probably didn't even realise you were annoying.

    2. But then it started to dawn on you... perhaps your presence isn't universally enjoyed by all members of society at all times?

    3. The signs are small. It could be the passive-aggressive side-eye you get.

    4. Or the short and snappy answers.

    5. But worst of all is being shushed.

    6. All these behaviours either make you feel shit about yourself...

    7. ...and make you want to change everything about your personality...

    8. ...or they make you want to be FIGHTY and even more annoying.

    9. But that's only if you actually know what it is that makes you so annoying.

    10. Like maybe you have no control over your voice.

    11. Or you're literally always fidgeting.

    12. Or maybe you have a really weird laugh.

    13. But sometimes people seem to have an adverse reaction to you for no reason.

    14. And you've definitely had moments when someone inexplicably irritated you too.

    15. But knowing that you're annoying makes you so much more conscientious.

    16. And it's made you very good at taking criticism.

    17. In fact, you probably appreciate the criticism.

    18. But you've also realised that if you annoy someone that much, you'll probably never get on that well anyway.

    19. And you don't really need people in your life that make you feel like a burden or a nuisance.

    20. Because someone out there won't mind how you bounce off the walls when you get excited or snort when you laugh.

    21. If they can't handle you at your most irritating, then they don't deserve you at your most tolerable.