19 Reasons Why "Airplane!" Is The Punniest Movie Ever Made

    "Surely you can't be serious?" "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."

    1. This polite exchange:

    2. These perfect pilot names:

    3. This excellent visual placement:

    4. The fact that they somehow managed to sneak this into the credits:

    5. This very distinctive ticket:

    6. This very strong look:

    7. This unintended command:

    8. This "drinking problem":

    9. This medical analysis:

    10. This pioneering aviation technology:

    11. This magazine section:

    12. These diligent reporters:

    13. This escalating problem:

    14. This truly flawless pun:

    15. This little problem:

    16. This foolproof tracking technique:

    17. This very important clinic:

    18. This pretty accurate interpretation of a "crash position":

    19. And when shit hit the fan: