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18 Things All Couples That Don't Cook Will Get

You both enable each other's Deliveroo addiction.

1. When you first realised that neither of you cook, you were both relieved that you wouldn't be judged for your culinary laziness...

2. ...but also disappointed that you won't have someone take on cooking duty and make you delicious food.

3. You eat out and order in way, way too much.

4. But at least you both know each other's exact favourite pizza toppings.

5. You also both feel really guilty about ordering out so much.

6. But you're both awful enablers and can always justify eating out and ordering in to each other.

7. Each of you go through phases of trying to be really into cooking.

8. But after about a week, one of you cracks and gets a Deliveroo.

9. You actually only know about three recipes between you.

10. But that's OK, because that still means you can make a three-course dinner between you.

11. But it also means on the few occasions you do cook, it's usually the same recipe.

12. Or you just make some shit up.

13. You've probably tried to surprise each other with homemade food.

14. You always go to the shops with high hopes of leaving with lots of grownup, fresh produce.

15. But neither of you are actually ever prepare.

16. So you either leave with just a bunch of random shit...

17. ...or just give up and leave with bags full of ready meals and defeat.

18. But all this is only because there are ~other things~ you'd much rather be doing together than cooking.