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43 Tumblr Comments That Make You Go "Hmmmm"

"pigeons can just fly straight to disneyland yet here they are eating breadcrumbs off the pavement"

1. Allergies:

2. Deep thoughts:

3. Fictional morning:

4. Shitty dolphins:

5. Disappointing playground:

6. How to survive in the rainforest:

7. A million dollar idea:

8. How to win a debate:

9. The funky boogeyman:

10. Screw you, China:

11. Catch 22:

12. Clap on, clap off:

13. A rough(age) day:

14. Bagel graffiti:

15. Tiny astronaut:

16. Bumpy globes:

17. Sweet dragon:

18. Jungle river:

19. Quick, easy and free:

20. Bug categories:

21. Snail effort:

22. Sick dog:

23. Stupid pigeons:

24. That makes sense:

25. Flawless chocolate logic:

26. A really, really good point:

27. Push it to the limit (physically and financially):

28. Drag Queens:

29. Dial 666:

30. Damnit Scooby:

31. Shh shh:

32. Bedroom door bravery:

33. Pokemom:

34. Never gonna give you up:

35. Selling kids:

36. Perfume commercials:

37. Netflix dude:

38. Tater Tots:

39. At least there's that:

40. Worldy things:

41. How dare you:

42. I don't even know:

43. Some M. Night Shyamalan shit: