Moms Re-Create Iconic Magazine Covers

    "I'm wearing my pregnancy like a gown."

    Admit it. Nobody wants to think about moms being sexy. And dude, if you're a mom? That really sucks. So we gathered five women, all in different stages of motherhood, and had them re-create some of Hollywood's sexiest and most iconic magazine covers.

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    "The day of the shoot I was crazy nervous, but I was also really excited to explore what it would be like for a non-famous person to go through the treatment so many celebrity moms have gotten. Demi, Britney, Jessica Simpson... I'm certainly not the first to post pre-birth in my birthday suit! Surprisingly, it totally does take a village to create a pic like that — even when you're not wearing any clothes.

    "As I careen toward motherhood, my body image is shifting so much. Every day as I go through these incredible changes, I think about this little life that is growing inside of me and it makes me feel so powerful and beautiful. Where I was so scared in the beginning that my body was going to be "ruined" by pregnancy, these days I am so fascinated by and thankful for every awesome change my body is going through. Stretch marks? Psh! I'm making an awesome little baby in here, dude!"

    "I honestly didn't know what to expect re-creating a magazine cover like this. I am so NOT a model, but I was really excited to get all glammed up and focus on myself for a day.

    "The first few years of motherhood I was desperate to get back to my pre-baby weight, but now I'm working on loving myself as I am. Not just for myself but to set an example of body acceptance for my daughter. I have hypothyroidism, so depending on a number of factors, some days I have to really fake that confidence, and others, I rock it. But no matter how I'm feeling on the inside, I model positivity for my daughter."

    "All I knew going into the photo shoot was that it was going to be FUN! I mean, I don't know any women who don't love to get their hair and makeup done and then have their sexiness captured by the camera."

    "My body image changed a lot after each of my pregnancies. When my first son was born, I was really hard on myself. It took years before I started to feel good about the way my body looked. However, when I had my twins I found a new level of love for my body. Not only do I feel sexy — even though I don’t have a flat tummy or slender legs — I feel like my body is strong and powerful."

    "The moment I entered the room and saw the makeup artist, photographer, and lights, I felt intimidated. I follow a lot of other moms on Instagram and they always look so put together and effortless. When I try to be 'sexy,' I end up smiling or doing something goofy because I feel awkward. I had no idea how I was going to pull this off.

    "Before kids, I worked out regularly and was very fit. Now, when I jump up and down my body looks like a bowl full of Jell-O. It's hard to reconcile the two versions of myself. On one hand, I'm really proud of my body for giving birth and feeding my two daughters who I love more than anything in the world. On the other hand, I really wish I could fit into my old jeans again. My hips are bigger, my chest and back are bigger, and no amount of exercise is making them smaller again. I don't wear anything sleeveless or formfitting because I'm not comfortable with how I look right now. I'm in the process of coming to terms with my new 'mom' body but it's a daily struggle."

    "Motherhood has changed me in so many ways, especially where my confidence is concerned. That is one area that definitely went downhill after I had my son.

    "I buy clothes for comfort now over style or anything else. I definitely feel less sexy and am more conscious of my body than I ever was before, so I was hoping this photo shoot would help push me to find that confidence again."