This Mom Posted An Incredibly Raw And Emotional Photo Of Life After Birth

    "I was so raw and so open, I was a f**ing mess."

    The days after a new baby is born, most parents' social media feeds are filled with glowing updates about the magic of bringing home a newborn.

    At 10 months postpartum, Danielle Haines decided to pull back the curtain on what her first week of motherhood was really like.

    Facebook: danielle.haines11

    The new mom published a Facebook post which read, in part:

    "This is a picture of me 3 days postpartum. I was so raw and so open, I was a fucking mess. I loved my baby, I missed his daddy (he went back to work that day), I was mad at my mom, my heart hurt for my brother because my mom left us and now I had a little boy that looked like him, my nipples were cracked and bleeding, my milk was almost in, my baby was getting really hungry, I was feeling sad that people kill babies, like on purpose, I had not slept since I went into labor, I didn't know how to put my boobs away, my vagina was sore from sitting on it while nursing constantly, I was kinda losing my mind....

    "I had a magical Postpartum. It wasn't easy but I was so supported and fed and reminded that the mothers before me had been through this part of motherhood, and that I'd get through it just fine too." - Danielle Haines

    The Phoenix-based student midwife told BuzzFeed Life that she had originally posted the months-old photo in a private Facebook group connected to a birth class she is currently teaching to inspire a conversation about the transition in to motherhood.

    The outpouring from other mothers began immediately.

    Haines told BuzzFeed Life that until posting the photo this week, she hadn't been expressing her own feelings about the postpartum experience outside of her own inner circle. "I was just in it," she explained.

    With over 20,000 shares on the original Facebook Post, and private messages and comments still appearing en masse, Danielle teamed up with her friend, web designer Katie DiBenedetto, to create Postpartum Confession.

    Just a few days old, Postpartum Confession already plays host to a growing number of birth stories and postpartum confessions, all sharing the same honesty and vulnerability Haines showed.