19 Things That Women With Morning Sickness Are Tired Of Hearing

    Saltine crackers and ginger ale? GTFO.

    1. "You'd feel so much better if you just ate a few crackers."

    2. "At least you won't put on too much baby weight!"

    3. "Oh, that's too bad. I didn't have morning sickness with any of my pregnancies."

    4. "Have you tried lemons/ potato chips/ watermelon/ pickled ginger? It really helped my co-worker."

    5. "Oh you're sick all day? You must be having a girl!"

    6. "Well, you wouldn’t know it. You’re positively glowing!"

    7. "Don't worry, it usually only lasts your first trimester."

    8. "You should try wearing sea bands!"

    9. "Ginger helps with nausea."

    10. "Maybe if you just eat something?"

    11. "I got so sick with my oldest. This one time at the grocery store..."

    12. "Mind over matter!"

    13. "That's great! That means the baby is getting all its nutrients!"

    14. "I hear weed helps with that."

    15. "I want to help. Can I bring you some soup?"

    16. "The dentist will see you now."

    17. The very term "morning sickness."

    18. "Here! Smell this!"

    19. "Enjoy this magical time!"

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